Cultural, Community and Senior Center Ad Hoc Committee

Current members:

  • Aida Abkarians
  • Faye Barta
  • Steve Randall (Community Stakeholder)
  • Char Rothstein
  • Myrl Schreibman (Community Stakeholder)
  • Joan Trent
  • Brad Vanderhoof

Mission Statement:

"The mission of this committee is to help establish a viable Cultural, Community and Senior Center in West Hills to serve the West San Fernando Valley."

Committee Operating Rules: CLICK HERE


News & Initiatives:

Community/Senior Center Initiative:

The West Hills Neighborhood Council’s Community & Senior Center Ad-hoc Committee has been working to establish a Center in West Hills to improve the quality of life for the residents of the west San Fernando Valley by providing cultural, community and senior activities and services.

Our vision includes an approximately 10,000-sq. ft. building with a large assembly room/auditorium, a kitchen, offices and meeting rooms. The center’s programs will include cultural events, services for seniors and the disabled, lectures, classes, health screenings, tutoring programs and other multi-generational activities, and emergency services when needed.  

The renderings below are a visual illustration of concepts and ideas of how the center would look and function. In no way are these renderings the official or final designs of the center, but rather serve as an visual aid and working draft of the future and vision of what the center could be in the West Hills community.

Don't forget to sign our petition to support a Community/Senior Center in
West Hills. To sign up, CLICK HERE


Meetings (Agendas, Minutes, Documents)

There are no Agendas uploaded for 2024

If you would like to be notified of our meetings and receive agendas via email,
click here and sign up by checking the NC box.

© 2024

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