The mission of this Committee is, in cooperation with stakeholders, to advocate, promote,
facilitate and engage in activities to improve and maintain the appearance of West Hills’
streets, sidewalks, parks and other features by encouraging greater participation and responsibility of West Hills stakeholders.
Held the Third Tuesday of Every Month Our next regular meeting will be on:
March 18 at 6:30 PM
Chaminade College Prepatory
7500 Chaminade Ave., West Hills CA
CLICK HERE to see our next committee meeting and posted agenda. Agendas post 72 hours prior to the meeting. (Note: Meeting Date and Time Subject To Change)
Join Us At The Next Beautification Cleanup Event:
March 22, Roscoe Blvd., between Fallbrook and Sale, near Roscoe and Fallbrook, 8:30-11:30 AM.
Have An Idea For Our Next Beautification Cleanup Event:
Have an idea for our next monthly community clean-up location? Please SUBMIT HERE and come to our next WHNC Beautification Committee meeting. We can't wait to see your request and beautify West Hills.
On April 23, 2015 Mayor Eric Garcetti signed Executive Directive Number 8 (ED NO. 8) launching this initiative into effect. As part of this initiative, Clean Streets LA aims at improving livability and cleanliness in the City of Los Angeles by targeting litter and debris on City streets, sidewalks and alleys. Your West Hills Neighborhood Council Beautification Committee is committed to ensuring
success through our monthly clean-ups, our coordination with relative City departments in ensuring your service requests are being answered, and other additional outreach efforts to educate our community about this important cause. Help us and help our community by joining us at our community clean-ups or committee meeting in our efforts to beautify West Hills.
To see West Hills' recent accomplishment under the Clean Streets LA initiative, CLICK HERE
At the October 2016 of the West Hills Neighborhood Council Beautification Committee, a representative of Councilmember Mitchel Englander's office notified the committee that the orginial fencing surronding Lazy J. Ranch Park in West Hills has rusted and deteriorated beyond repair and would need to be replaced. Given two options, with a third additional option discussed at our October meeting, the Beautification Committee sought out public info to see what fencing options would the community want in this popular West Hills park.
For more information about the fence replacement project, our survey results, and our recommendations to the City of Los Angeles, CLICK HERE.
Chaminade College Preparatory High School Condon Center, 2nd Floor Conference Room 23241 W. Cohasset Street West Hills, CA 91304 (Enter Chaminade through the Cohasset Street entrance between Woodlake and Platt Avenues. Drive through the main parking lot, bear left and then continue up and over the hill until you see the Condon Family Technology Center on the left. Park in the nearest lot).
If you would like to be notified of our meetings and receive agendas via email,
click here and sign up by checking the NC box.