Our mission is to interface with local, state and federal agencies and officials and bring recommendations to the Board to protect and promote the welfare of West Hills and Los Angeles.
Current members:
Updates to the Equity Metrics Data Initiative (EMDI) are provided to the Board of Water and Power Commissioners twice a year, in February and August. Since there was not a second Board meeting in August, the next update is scheduled for the Board of Water and Power Commissioners Meeting on Wednesday, September 5. The meeting begins at 10 a.m. We invite all interested customers, Neighborhood Council members and other stakeholders to review the LADWP Rates and Equity Metrics Semi-Annual Report to learn more about this important data-driven initiative that tracks and reports how LADWP fulfills its mission across the entire City.
Read the LADWP Rates and Equity Metrics Semi-Annual Report.
DWP Equity Report CLICK HERE
View our neighborhood council boundaries.