About Us

Mission Statement:

To provide a forum in which West Hills stakeholders can learn about issues that affect the community and express their concerns and ideas; to recommend actions by government officials to address the needs of the West Hills community; to promote communication between Stakeholders and all levels of government; and to foster pride and participation in addressing the needs of the community.

About Us:

The West Hills Neighborhood Council is YOU — everyone who lives in West Hills, works in West Hills, owns property in West Hills or has an ongoing stake in the welfare of West Hills.

Our Neighborhood Council is served by 25 board members who are chosen by the community in elections run by the City of Los Angeles. This board of unpaid volunteers listens to — and encourages participation by — all stakeholders as it represents West Hills on matters concerning all levels of government.

Here's some of what we do:

— We work closely with our City Council representative and his staff to deliver the best possible city services to the people and places that need them.

— We help our stakeholders resolve problems by connecting them with the right people in government.

— We make recommendations on proposed developments and zoning issues.

— We organize community festivals, movie screenings, health & safety fairs, etc.

— We organize monthly cleanups and develop other projects for volunteers to get involved in improving their community.

— We educate the community on matters of public safety and emergency preparedness. We work with the police to spread awareness of crime trends and ways to defend ourselves against crime.

— We publish a comprehensive weekly calendar of events in West Hills and surrounding areas.

— We have a committee actively working on establishing a community/senior center and dog park. ..... and much, much more.

You can get involved by joining a committee or helping us clean-up our streets and schools. We hope to see you soon.


For more information, CLICK HERE to watch a brief video about the Los Angeles City Neighborhood Council system.


History of the Council:

The West Hills Neighborhood Council was certified by the City of Los Angeles in 2001, becoming the first Neighborhood Council in the Valley and the fourth in the entire city to incorporate under the terms of the revised City Charter adopted in 1999. West Hills was primed to take this step because it already had a leadership team in place through the West Hills Property Owners Association, which had a prominent role in the community’s separation from Canoga Park in 1987. The WHPOA’s president, Charles “Chuck” Gremer, became the WHNC’s first president. Ed Youngblood became president upon Gremer’s retirement in 2006, followed by Stephen Lenske, elected in 2008, Daniel Brin, elected in 2012, and Char Rothstein, the current president, elected in 2021.

The WHNC’s 25-member board consists of 25 volunteers chosen directly by the people of West Hills in elections administered by the city. The Neighborhood Council’s mission, as described in its bylaws, is “To provide a forum in which West Hills stakeholders can learn about issues that affect the community and express their concerns and ideas; to recommend actions by government officials to address the needs of the West Hills community; to promote communication between Stakeholders and all levels of government; and to foster pride and participation in addressing the needs of the community.” Today, the West Hills Neighborhood Council is widely respected among the 97 Neighborhood Councils serving communities throughout the city. Its many committees encourage active involvement among many of West Hills’ 42,000 residents, who join with WHNC board members in making life in their community even more pleasant, safe and enriching than it already is.

Don't forget to watch our video below.


What are Neighborhood Councils? from Empower LA on Vimeo.

More from West Hills Neighborhood Council

© 2025 westhillsnc.org.

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